Friday, November 5, 2010

Radio Show in the Works

John Romanin and I met today with KFNX radio in Phoenix.  The radio station thinks a renters radio show would be a great idea.  We agree.  As a result, it looks like "RenterNation", the Official Radio Voice of the American Tenants Association, is tentatively scheduled to debut on Saturday, November 20 at 11AM to noon Arizona time.

We intend to discuss matters of importance to residential tenants as well as take your phone calls about your concerns.  We will keep you posted when things are finalized.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ATENA's 2011 Legislative Agenda

Please make sure you check out our 2011 Legislative Agenda.  It's just been updated on our website.

Since this is a dynamic document, please contact us if you have suggestions for additions to our Agenda.
